Livio Seguso

The triumph of light

Purity and spatiality

During this period, Seguso resumed experimenting with forms of different glass volumes engaging in new creations. Meanwhile, the chromatic temptations disappeared definitively from his creative universe to give voice to an event that does not set boundaries for his sculptural investigation. In this case, the artist reaches the apex with the work Vortice, a challenge towards the impossible for the lightness and laboriousness of the interlocking of the forms. Still, his imagination stimulates him to search for new horizons.

…The artist imposed an absolute rigor on the material without rebelling against the origin of the glass itself. This rigor leads us to the extreme purity of its composition, which is enhanced precisely by the extraordinary coincidence of the values ​​of the material and the form. Both express themselves in projecting an ideal geometry full of fascination for our research of contemporary men, which we try to concretize in art, beyond any hedonism, as a meeting point between the pure concept in its essence and the nature that surrounds us in its reality.

Guido Perocco, art historian, Venice